I try not to make this blog too depressing and think of ways to word things in a way that exposes the humour behind random events in life. Sometimes I fail.
Opportunity vs Etiquette
Can you blame people for not being "courteous", when they were probably brought up in an environment which didn't teach such social etiquette? I think not.
The other day, I walk out of work to find out the vehicle battery had died. First reaction was panic. I called my sister overseas to ask what to do. I informed my travel buddies to find alternate arrangements to go home. I made several frantic calls to garages and people who might be able to help. I had to ask the company's COO to help jump start the battery through his vehicle's battery, so that I might be able to drive to a garage. That attempt failed. It was getting dark, and I wanted to go home. Forced to leave my vehicle outside my office, I made my way to the taxi stand.
I was first in the "queue" for taxis. There was another gentlemen in second place. It was the time when Muslims broke their fast, and there was not a taxi in sight for a long time. Soon a group of 4 men appeared out of nowhere, hailed down the first taxi that passed us, and prepared to get in, when the guy in second place called out "Excuse me, you can't take that taxi. She was here before you. Let the lady go in this". Those in the larger group refused the request. The taxi guy sided with the group (nationality may have played a part), saying "they saw me first" and he refused to take me. A fierce argument ensued between the one guy and the group. I can't recall what I was doing, maybe I was just watching the scene as if I were a spectator. In the end the taxi driver just drove off with no passengers! Shortly after, another taxi arrived and I got in.
Moral of the story:
For Shu - FIGHT!
For the men who jumped a turn: Look around you, you are no longer in your home country! A little patience and courtesy will keep everybody's blood pressures at optimal range.
The Phoney Pharmacist
Today, with most of my recent troubles settled, I went on a round of errands after work. Did some grocery shopping, took the vehicle for a much-needed wash and made my way to a pharmacy. I was greeted by a very (fakely) jolly pharmacist:
P: How are you? (big smile). I have not seen you lately.
Shu: I'm fine, thanks (not like I'd tell you even if I was not fine. And I have been here only once or twice in the last year. I have not seen you in this store before. Either you are mistaken or you are just faking it.) How are you? (I dont care, really, but I'm following stupid social protocol).
P: um..... Good thanks.
Shu: Can I have a pack of tablet X?
P: Yes. Is this for you?
Shu: Yes. (I don't see how that matters here, but okay)
As I wait for my payment to be processed....
P: So where are you from?
Shu: Country Y.
P: Oh (big grin). Where do you work?
Shu: Place Z
P: (looks at the tablet box) So you are trying for a baby, huh?
Shu: (WTF? Enough with the questions already. Give me the damn tablets.) Hmmm.
P: So where does your husband work?
Shu: (Loses temper) I'm not married. I'm taking a course of this tablet for a different issue. (Now do you have anymore asinine questions for me???)
P: (Smile vanishes). OH.
Moral of this story:
For Shu: FIGHT!
For the fake pharmacist: Fake customer service SHOWS. So don't even try it.
Shuri suffers from a chronic case of mental diarrhea and is often plagued by a hyperactive imagination that does not show in her ordinary conversations with others. This blog is what her (imaginary) therapist recommended so that she won't explode with a build up of overwhelming thoughts.
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Social Privilege
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Omg I'd never have let that first incident pass me by without me making a big fuss! I hate when people try to take advantage of me just because I'm female or alone. Idiots.
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