Boss: Shuri, you seem awfully quiet today. Is everything alright?
Me: Yes. *sulks*
What I *should* have said was:
Me: NO. I woke up this morning with a smile on my face thinking it's Thursday and lived most of my morning floating in a blissful bubble until someone just told me it was Wednesday.

Several months ago, in the spirit of trying out new things, I signed up for a marathon with one of my (fitness conscious) housemates. This was during the time the new year started when all you hear and read about are "making new year resolutions". I would have happily put off "Attempt a marathon" on my list for a few more years if not for the contents of the goodie bag that was promised to all participants of this night marathon. Energiser, the main sponsor, was giving away head lamps! I dislike running and I don't normally run unless I am chased by something ferocious, but I thought it will be cool to own a lamp I can fix on my head. Maybe I can read in the dark, I thought, or wear it going downstairs in the dark so that creepy characters from horror movies don't jump at me or go on night trails or observe night animals (at the time, the possibilities seemed endless). But now, I'm feeling a hint of regret as the day of the 6 km marathon is fast approaching.
Not all marathons are bad. Like these days, I'm on a Big Bang Theory Season 5 marathon, which I'm enjoying very much.
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