I find it really hard to focus on writing lately. I'm not sure why. At first I thought it must be because I am usually busy, but no, I've always been an occupied person. And I always make time to do the things I like. So it's not that.

Maybe my losing touch with writing has to do with feeling detached with my authentic self once again. Maybe my ego has been slowly growing with too much praise and Facebook likes. Or maybe I've reached a place where all that I've realised so far about myself is serving me well, and I see no need for further growth for the time being. Maybe I'm selectively focusing on only the positive aspects in life and refusing to acknowledge the negative aspects that lurk at the back of my mind. Maybe I feel more exposed and less welcome coming to this blog now, unlike earlier when it felt like a safer refuge for expression of the good, bad and the ugly. Maybe current circumstances have pushed me towards the slightly extroverted end of the spectrum so the introvert in me has silenced. Maybe it is time to moult, leaving that old casing behind.
A moulting crab (Source: Giphy)
Whatever it is, our sense of balance in the core is slightly shaken and it's about time we went back to time-tested methods of repairing ourselves. Shu, why do you address yourself as two people? It's creepy. I know, right?
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