Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Puppet Theory

It might seem that our minds are all but puppet masters trying to carry out a well coordinated act. When we interact with someone, it is in fact one puppet interacting with another puppeteer's puppet. Puppeteers are able to manipulate strings of conscious thoughts behind a facade that is not apparent to other puppeteers or the audience watching this show. The most honesty one can extend to another puppet is to align their thoughts with the act. The most honesty one can expect from another puppet, is well, a combination of that puppeteer's willingness to display honesty and his or her skill in the art of puppetry. 

What puppet shows teach us. Image courtesy of

Back at work, a project finally drew to a close. A record breaking nineteen days of unbroken working days later, I got a full weekend off. My first stop was the zoo. For me, it was the most perfect, thunder shower blessed day at the rainforest zoo in Mandai. This was the closest escape from a concrete office cubicle to nature I was going to get. The animals seemed to enjoy the cooler temperatures and  fewer visitors. The reptiles were thrilled. I was also the tour guide for Ryuu's first ever trip to the Singapore Zoo.

Little did I know that a few steps off the beaten track was a quay and beyond the lake was a beautiful patch of forest, which (on that day) was enveloped by a thin sheet of mist.

Honestly, what will we do after we've cut off the last tree and poached the last elephant? Where will some of us run away to, for times when we want to escape the emptiness that technology, money and some puppet shows bring us?


  1. You make it sound like a gentle drizzle. Why, we nearly got struck by lightning! (But that was fun.)

  2. Getting nearly struck by lightning is always more fun that getting struck by lightning :D


Social Privilege

Not all of us are born to the same circumstances. There will always be differences in social status, which is determined by factors such as ...