Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lives keep a changin'

A blog is like a footprint. Today, I clicked to find out what I did at the same time last year and I was only mildly surprised.

We celebrated the nephew's 4th birthday today! The young man is growing up really fast. This time the party was in his school with all his friends. It was a very low key affair with just the family and I must say I loved it more than last year! I took off a few hours from work to join the celebrations with a class full of 4-5 year olds. Got to say, they looked rather adorable (but my heartfelt sympathies go to the class teachers, they have a very trying job). There was one little boy, dark and with thick rimmed spectacles that I wanted to kidnap and bring home to keep near my turtles. He looks very cute and geeky. I KNOW I sound like a creepy lady plotting to kidnap small boys, but I'm pretty sure I'll drop him off at his parents' (even without asking for a ransom) after he throws his first tantrum. Okay, maybe I haven't really thought this through.

My interests in blogging, reading and playing music have dwindled. While interesting thoughts and lines for a post do cross my mind during the day, it is rarely put down in words. Listening to music, investing time on the family and spending time with my closest friends (both online and offline) have taken a more pivotal role these days. I'm living inside my head a little less than I used to.

I'll be headed home in a few weeks. This time, I am somewhat looking forward to the trip. I want to spend time with my parents and make an effort to be nice to them (our time on Earth is limited), I'm excited to attend a special occasion of a special friend (and I avoid using the "W" word here so that she won't freak out!) and I'll be doing some travelling and sight seeing in my home country. Add that to good food and nostalgia - I'm ready to face the challenges of returning to the homeland!

Introducing my latest talent crush, Jarrod Radnich. He is BEYOND amazing!

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