Monday, October 15, 2012

Alien encounters

Since 42% of my day is now spent at work (and another 30% spent sleeping), I have little mental stimulation in topics other than work.

My research in understanding and interacting with aliens males at work is still ongoing. A handful of them - my boss included - are perfectly normal and nice to associate with. Today, however, I had a new realisation. The rest of them are just as awkward and ignorant about how to interact with a rare specimen of a (quiet) female co-worker as I am interacting with them. The only difference being that their varied reactions range from stares, to ignoring me, scuttling away from my path, to stepping over Shu's invisible boundary of personal space, to making bad small talk, to telling jokes that are horribly un-funny. Here's a compilation of some of the stranger questions I have been asked so far:

Alien: Are you single or married? 
Shu: Single. 
Alien: *GASPS*

Alien: Why aren't you married? 
Shu: I will be married when I want to.

Alien: Why are you so quiet?
Shu: That's the way I am. [GET USED TO IT.]

Alien: The girl before you used to bring food and leave it on her table so we used to help ourselves to the food. You should have some too.
Shu: Politely smiles. [Hell No. I am not feeding stray aliens.*sprays alien repellent*]

Alien: What's the meaning of your name? Is it a name of a flower?
Shu: I'm not sure. [Weren't you very quick to assume I was named after a flower in a language totally foreign to yours? o_O I think I'll pass on the real explanation.]

This picture from Google Images is just plain creepy! 

Here's hoping to better days of rational, meaningful and normal conversations with these aliens. 


  1. Hello there! Things got crazy on this end, but I just spent another half an hour snooping through this delightful blog, which I am now following by email, because it's always nice to read smile-worthy things. :)
    Also, the aliens. *shakes head in bewilderment* They are baffling creatures indeed.

  2. Welcome back! Thanks for all your lovely comments, it was indeed a pleasant after-work surprise :D


Social Privilege

Not all of us are born to the same circumstances. There will always be differences in social status, which is determined by factors such as ...