Saturday, June 8, 2013


This is the last blog I'll be typing from my current room with the best view in the house. I'll really miss watching the rain and the rustling leaves while sitting cozily in bed. In sharing a 3-bedroom house, the four of us shift rooms in a way that everyone has a go at living in all the bedrooms for a specific time frame. The advantage of this arrangement is that we all get a change of scenery every few months and re-decorating our living spaces keeps our creative spirits alive. I, for one, am looking forward to moving to a larger space!!

A mini-park outside the room

My previous post really got me thinking about the the people we let into our inner world. That explains the title of this post. Just like we ourselves are far from perfection, they will be too. The people we keep close are the ones who make us feel wanted, loved and happy, the ones who make us better people in the process and are essentially the ones who have passed our own quality standards to qualify as people worthy of association (note to self: if that does not sound like the type of people in the inner circle, chuck them away right now because they really should be garbage of yesteryear and it's about time to revise my quality standards for human interactions).

Humans are mind-mindbogglingly complex. For every dozen or so inspiring and likable traits some people have, there's bound to be a few imperfections. No one had Life spelled out for them so whatever they've become are out of their own realisations resulting from their intellect, inherent nature, experiences, environment, etc, so I think an exceptional human being certainly deserves points for trying. If we analyse our friendships that have survived the test of time, we have often grown over the little imperfections in them  (that can be overlooked) like an old creeper plant does with jagged surfaces.

Shu is feeling like a cup of tea now and she realises that she has rambled a bit too far from the initial point she was trying to make...

So after some thought on the matter, Shu decided she should try to look at the few irritating traits of her good natured colleague from a different, non-judgmental perspective.

Though Shu does not express emotions much, she hopes her family and friends know she cherishes them very much.


  1. I was thinking about this a lot this week... The not expressing emotions much thing. Some people are so comfortable with sharing what they think and how they feel, and it's great, but I'm always very cautious with it. I'm sure the people who matter to you know that you cherish them though. That's what makes them your friends. :)
    Also, I watched The Intouchables this week! The internet is bizarre. As I borrowed it, I thought 'I wonder what Shu's been up to?' Thanks to the internet, I was in my local DVD store wondering about the well-being of someone I've never actually met all the way in Singapore! Hahaha, we live in an exciting world. Technological wonders aside, the movie was great. I was convinced the ending would be sad, but it wasn't and I was pleased. :)
    Enjoy the change of scene! :D

  2. Ahhh you watched the movie, finally! Glad you liked it. I watched it again recently, thinking it might be boring the second time round, but no, it was still as good and funny! Having goldfish memory does have its advantages sometimes.

    Indeed, we do live in a very exciting age tangled in the World Wide Web! I'm still baffled by the very unlikely odds that we became acquainted enough to have in-depth discussions on the mysterious behavior of crows, and that too, in such a short time frame (it's been a pleasure!)

    Wait, there's more... you have another non-creepy stalker from Singapore. My good friend Katy happens to be a fan of the katemcmillanblogs. Just a few weeks ago, she lost her dear pet and she told me this morning that she very nearly left you a comment after reading your most recent post (and nearly gave herself away in the process!)

    So, without further ado... *drum roll*

    Kate, I'd like you to meet Katy and Katy, meet Kate :D

    (Was the drum roll a bit too much??)

  3. So sorry for the late reply!!! My computer crashed on me and aside from sneaky sessions on my housemate's laptop, I have no access to the internet!
    I am delighted to meet Katy!!!(The drum roll was perfectly acceptable for the introduction of new non-creepy stalkers from Singapore - experience has proved that the event is nothing but a pleasure)
    And both of you are welcome to comment whenever you like! Any friend of Shu's is bound to be a wonderful human being, and I expect there are many more in depth discussions regarding crows and French movies and other miscellaneous merriment to be had between everyone. :)
    Shu, I have much to catch up on! As soon as I have the money for a functioning computer, this blog will be my first online stop! - Expect more long rambles. You have been warned. :)
    And I saw that smog on the news yesterday! That is intense. :S
    I have to return this computer to its rightful owner now, but I'll be back soon! Happy blogging etc. :)
    And I hope you and Katy have a good week! :D
    So many exclamation marks in this comment... I feel they were justified.

  4. Hello Kate, it's so good to hear from you! We were wondering about your absence..that sounds terrible.. it's happened to me many times too and I rarely learn. Noo! Not your drafts :O

    Today, I took your good advice and backed up my important files on Skydrive.

    The smog is gone for the moment, so all seems well here. I thought the smog took away Ginger too, but no, to my relief, I found her today after several days of MIA.

    When you get sorted, come back to blog about the wisdom you gained while living with less technology! We wait in anticipation. Happy hibernating...I hear it's cold there! Enjoy the weekend too :)


Social Privilege

Not all of us are born to the same circumstances. There will always be differences in social status, which is determined by factors such as ...