Sunday, May 22, 2011

Caterpillar on a stick

An explanation to the curious name of this blog...

One morning, I was enjoying the blissful hours of morning sleep before my alarm wakes me up for work. I was woken up by my nephew, with a huge, LOUD "Good Morning" in my ear. That broke my precious REM sleep and after that I kept falling in and out of sleep. On one of these moments, I heard him singing a strange song about a caterpillar who loved to eat chocolate cake.

It was so ridiculous to the point it was just hilarious! It kept me in giggling all day in office, for its absurdity. That was also around the time it hit me that it would make a good title to my nameless blog (at the time). Several weeks later, we found he had forgotten words of two different rhymes and in his mind, put them together like a mash up!

1 comment:

  1. Kids say the darndest things! hahah the nephew's SO CUTE! (:


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